Emergency and Service on Road
What really our service special is that we become your partner on the road; in any case we keep you connected with. The you love and trust and there we offer you the following
- Ours system keep you connected with service road assistance
- Easy communication with service center with no need for cell phone
- Ability to locate your position by smart GPS
- Ability to remote diagnosis and this send special teams to solve problem
Service on Road
If you were working in road service assistance Our system will connect you with your client and provide you with the privilege of having access to the physical location easily by saving you the trouble of searching and keep calling the assisted clients • Ability of remote accessing You can stay in touch with emergency crew by using your cell phone • All Ambulance We went way more beyond road service assistance to offer ambulance care to road you anywhere we can offer you navigation systems to guide you to the safe path
• Remote Malfunctioning determination Our system can predetermine any car malfunctioning before it happen by sending reports alarm you of coming vehicle problems these alarms keep you away from sadden stops.
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Reduce All Running Cost

Telematics’ tried and tested fleet management solutions are world-class and available in 111 countries today. Our customers rely on Telematics’ on-board computers, our web-based services and our reporting and analytics tools to improve their overall productivity, operate more efficiently and bring about significant cost reductions.