I need A solution For
Public Transportation
New Enviroment for Public Transportation

There are many benefits of using public transport
Economy,Increased investment in public transportation creates jobs and boosts economic growth.
Environment Investment in public transportation is an investment in our planet.
Energy independence and economic security increases when we invest in public transit.
Quality of Life An increased investment in public transportation leads to improved health and a better quality of life.
And you can find more as
- Real-time vehicle tracking and location information
- Real-time monitoring and visualization
- Optimized fleet management and fleet utilization
- High quality real-time passenger information services
- Information services for drivers
- Improved punctuality of bus services
- Performance statistics & off-line analysis
- Equipment diagnostics and maintenance planning
- Greater efficiency and reduced operational costs
What It is \ What it does
What it is:
In today is rapidly changing operating environment, transportation operators face constantly rising costs and decreasing revenues.
To keep more vehicles in revenue service and improve employee productivity, operators need flexibility,
creative solution offering quicker time to value and lower total cost of ownership.
Public Transportation Sector asset management solutions found to help you track and maintain your assets, evaluate associated costs
and manage your assets smarter in order to:
- Asset utilization
- Extend asset lifecycles
- Increase worker productivity
- Improve safety
- Minimize inventory
- Increase warranty recovery
What it does:
Public transportation Sector asset management helps operators achieve a faster return on investment (ROI) by:
- Managing full-lifecycle preventive maintenance (programs for fleets)
- Integrating road incident recording with work management
- Improving campaign management, tracking, and reporting
- Managing fleet configurations across facilities to meet operational requirements

Manage running costs, reduce carbon footprint, improve road safety, decrease accidents and improve passenger comfort and safety